ISS10 will take place in Yichang, China. It will be organized jointly by Wuhan University, China Three Gorges University, and National Engineering Research Center for Eco-Environment in the Yangtze River Economic Belt on behalf of WSCS and the China Fisheries Association. It aims to strongly contribute to find solutions to population declines and extinction of sturgeon species and their sustainable aquaculture.
The symposium’s theme is:“Is there a shared future for humans and sturgeons?”
By hosting the 10th ISS, we aim to inspire more individuals to join us in our mission to improve the status of sturgeons. This necessitates the adequate protection and restoration of their habitats, the reduction of water pollution, and the elimination of overfishing. ISS10 is a platform for the exchange of scientific information and the promotion of collaboration. Whether it is an oral or poster presentation or a trade show, your participation is welcome and will be invaluable for sturgeon conservation efforts. We eagerly anticipate your attendance and contribution to this significant event in Yichang.
S1. Global climate change and species survival
S2. Biology and ecology of Acipenseriformes
S3. Applied research & aquaculture
S4. Human impacts & mitigation efforts
S5. Caviar & marketing